Contextual advertising– This placement of your text ads around the search vydachi.Tse one of the most effective forms of advertising on the Internet. Contextual advertising looks like a concise text ads, placed on the pages of search engines Yandex, Google in response to user requests. Just a few lines of text, occur strictly at the request of the search engines, able to interested visitors, Want to purchase for your goods (services). Contextual search-based advertising and the interests of people, who made their choice in favor of your proposal, converting them to your patrons. After all, the main purpose of placing contextual advertising in Google and Yandex – increase in sales.

On the other hand, advertising in all its efficiency, In the mid to dispense dorozhche, than search engine promotion. Krіm of, the fact that, what you pay for each client involved, has a negative side – with increasing popularity grow and offer your advertising costs. And the most important – cost rates for ads based on the principle of auction, tobto that, who appoints a great price, is to issue the above. In fact it means a sharp increase in budgets when education competition.

Contextual advertising has the following features:

  • You can attract a lot of new customers within a day after a site;
  • There is a possibility of flexible response and changes in ad, their positioning and audience;
  • You can accurately budget plan.

We recommend using contextual advertising as a way to get the first profits from the site when it. At the same time it is better to start search promotion, if i share viyde the Top – znyati contextual advertising. This scheme allows you to get maximum efficiency and not waste time with commercial-use site.

Advantages of contextual advertising:

  • Efficiency. Contextual advertising starts from the first minutes of its placement in the network.
  • Target Audience. Ads only see people, really interested in your products or services.
  • Targeting. Flexible settings allow to show ads only to users of interesting you region, on certain days and at specified time.
  • Economy. You do not pay all your ad, pay is only transition ratings on that page of the site.
  • Predictability. You plan your budget, independently setting the amount, you're willing to spend on online advertising, pre-calculating, how many visitors come to the site.
  • Loyalty. Contextual advertising is annoying users, does not cause negative emotions and perceived as more useful information.

Contextual advertising – This is the best solution, if:

  • You target term outcome, ie a sharp increase of new targeted visitors.
  • You are not ready to make big money spending on advertising and promotion company.
  • Should be guaranteed and quick hit on the selected keyword to the first position of search results.

Contextual advertising – the fastest, simple and reliable way to get targeted visitors.

Value contextual advertising – from 1200 USD.

* The cost estimated contextual advertising available, can vary from many factors. To clarify the final price contact our office.