Every web resource is a figure as an active audience – users, regularly return to the site and spend there at least one hour per week. These people are the cornerstone, through which is formed as a traffic site, and submitted to the popularity of its brand pages. However, there is another active audience, rozrahovana than for a specific site, and for the entire Internet. Similar is the users, conducting online at least one hour per week. As an active Internet audience to convert to an active audience of your site? Several years ago the answer was unequivocal – search engine promotion. Really, in the search for information by any user sooner or later come to Google or Yandex and enters the search string you want to phrase it. But search engine promotion applies only to that part of the audience, something that looks. And what about other potential customers?
According to research by 2011 year, not less then 75% Internet users registered in social networks. This is where users are most active, for example, Average user network "facebook" spend it more 7 hours per month. Will be more large auditoria, which is difficult to attract traditional methods.
When traditional methods of promoting longer working, in sprava vstupaє SMO!
Optimization for Social Networking (Social Media Optimization) – This site changes so, to motivate users of social networks link to the site and quote his materials. Among CASTCOM are unique methodology of quoting site in social networks and blogosphere. We work in this market from the beginning and Skills SMO at the highest level.
How many visitors would not come to your site – This is just a fraction percent of the total number of users of social networks. Folk say mudrіst: “Yakscho mountain to Mohammed not yde, Magomet going to do worse”. The idea to go to Social Media has been realized in the concept of progress in social networks (Social Media Marketing). The main task of SMM is advertising a company or brand in the social environment. Existing mechanisms of modern social network can target users by geography, social, behavioral feature, as well as by age and interests. The combination of these mechanisms allows you to find in the SMM effective selling and image solutions
The company specializes in website promotion in social networks Facebook, In contact with, Classmates. The first results you can see in a month.
Benefits of advertising in social media:
- targeting a specific audience;
- low cost campaign;
- formation of brand image;
- variability and flexibility of the campaign.
Benefits of promoting the company website:
- extensive experience in the market SMO and SMM;
- highly qualified;
- automation of routine processes;
- short time – from 30 days;
- acceptable to the customer for.
Have Advertising in social media and you will learn about the millions of!
Social Networking (VKontakte, Facebook та інші) quickly become a common service for millions of people around the world. High attendance and active social network users to effectively use these services for marketing campaigns, opening for brands incredible opportunities.
Advertising companies in social networks (SMM, WE) – This relatively new, but well-proven ability to attract potential customers.
What are your social media business?
- Distribution of the brand and attract new customers. At a speed of social networks. By offering your page in your Facebook 100 friends, you know, that they will review its. And if the page is interesting and deserves attention, that friends offer this page to your friends, friends of friends, etc..
- Contact with customers and socialization brand. Your page in the social media becomes a place for dialogue with customers, here can ask questions and comment. Developed page company deployed response to user feedback provides them with positive emotions and creates a more relaxed attitude.
- Extra traffic got into this site. On your website visitors begin to come from social networks – Facebook, In contact with, Classmates, Twitter.
- Increase Sales. Extensive information about the company in social media is credibility and stimulate increased sales.
We offer:
- Create and maintain social accounts of companies. We are ready to create groups in popular social networks, Find your target audience, invite her to the group and unobtrusively advertise your products or services.
- Advertising in social networks. Placement of contextual advertising on social networks will attract a large number of targeted visitors to your site. Precise targeting, low cost, User loyalty – their results are, who is interested.
- Social Media Marketing (SMM). We use social media tools, such as blogs, microblogging, chat Rooms, forums, HF, podcasts and other sites to promote business.
Do not ignore social media – is a powerful tool for promoting your company, which is not worse, than the advertised site. Book promotion in social networks.