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Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4
We will help you to create
best website

Preparation of technical websait specifications (TS)
In the first stage of development and creation by designing the interface of the future resource and a technical task. Work on this stage is largely based on those wishes, indicated that the customer is filling brief, but the specification is much more suited to setting goals and describes in detail the possibility of solving each. You can not underestimate the importance of, which has a vehicle to develop the site for future resource. Well composed tehzavdannya to avoid misunderstandings between the customer and the contractor, in their scho Cherga Economii hour, spent on work. Tom TK - document, no yakogo simply obіytisya. Terms of Reference - the basis of order in the project and the main landmark. Only with the completion of all requirements, zaznachenih from TK, project can be completed.
Reflected in tehzavdanni find job, yakі seems to resource; detailed way drawn map, which specifies all partitions and format information, provided on their pages. Much attention is paid to the ToR in functional project, described in detail, and site navigation. Terms of Reference provides an indication of the requirements for hosting, versttsі, programming language, etc. To all the other, TOR should contain deadlines. Course, this part of the specification prescribed, when descriptions of all sections, functional requirements and formed.
Design site
As development of the whole site, Work on its design is also gradually. And the first is a design resource homepage, that begins with concept development. It is created based on vehicle, designed interface, completed by the client brief and brand book (if any). Usually, concept developed by a, but if you want the customer our specialists can offer several options for consideration. For koncepcíêû (or each of them) made a presentation, purpose is to convey to customers the reasons of a choice and decision, zroblenogo designers, explain, what is its benefit to the website. Then there is the concept of customer approval and revision to match the client's wishes, in which describing how the selection menu, Pop-ups, falling lists. After improvements are approving the concept design home page, and designers begin to create concepts inside pages, also undergo stages of approval, revision and approval. If the client company has no logo - trademark, for whatever it identified,, for whatever it learned, the company develop its website. Natural, that logo is always being developed and agreed with the customer first and foremost, before the play concept design home page. Do you understand, This is because, that excluding corporate symbolism can not create a truly original and coherent design. Total stage "design site" - approved design layout of all pages in PSD. If needed, all source code provided by the client to design drive.

Nesting Site storіnok
After approval of layout design of all pages by their coding. The website uses the block layout, as it provides great opportunities, nіzh tabular, and makes the code more compact, thereby increasing the speed of web pages. Krіm of, block layout allows much more efficient to develop site, to be properly displayed in browsers. Nesting takes place in accordance with all current requirements, placed it, tested for validity and compatibility with these browsers:
- Internet Explorer версії 10
- Mozila Firefox версії 27.0,
- Opera версії 9.0,
- Chrome 37.0,
- Safari версії 6
At the stage layout is scripting design elements, if it provided. Result, obtained after completion of the phase, - zverstani html-templates of all pages. Optionally zverstani pages he provided on disk.
Based on the vehicle and verstayuchyh layout pages is functional programming, that comes almost ready web resource. Site is in the space provided for this purpose server company web site starts with the setting up development environment (Sistemi upravlіnnya content), which made certain changes depending on the intended functional, programming is required modules. The result etapu є ready site, located on a server design company Website. After completion of the program written report on work with the site, in which the customer granted access to the system management site, describes in detail the functional resource, and makes recommendations for working with the administrative part of the site.

Pіslya of, as working with a site on the server development completed, and written report will be, Specialist quality control testing site development begins. For the testing phase of the resource provided by specially developed methods, and for which a test site. Verified whether the site described in the TOR functional, correct layout display in all supported browsers and site match internal quality requirements. In case of comments, includes a list of achievements, mitigate them. Made on the development server is only a draft, adopted as a specialist. After this decision the draft sent for approval to the customer. Re-testing site goes after his transfer to hosting.

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The work of the company Web site uses a phased implementation of projects. The life cycle development site is divided into phases sequentially executed. Each stage has a strictly defined deadlines and end point of reference, that allows you to monitor project progress.
A similar approach to work on projects enables customers to monitor its progress, promptly make the necessary adjustments, and follow the terms and quality of work, making the development process "transparent".
So, each project is the next stages of the life cycle:
- Preparation of technical websait specifications ;
- Design site ;
- Nesting Site storіnok ;
- Programming ;
- Testing ;
- Moved to hosting .
And only after consultation with the customer vehicle for site, it is signed by both parties. In the event, if the approval and signature by the customer specification, need to make changes, by agreement of the parties is correction of the text specification (mandatory appendix to the contract for the development and creation). Revised text of the new vehicle signed by the parties, followed by a recalculation of the value of works on site creation. In drawing up technical specifications for major projects, developed user interface Site (on request). Using special software prototypes vidmalovuye pages: placement of functional blocks on pages, navigation system on site. Further, based on prototypes developed and approved by the site design is formed, which will fully meet the previously agreed TOR.